History of the Site
Prior to the introduction of the time-line Regulations on this site, Pension Managers and others with an interest in the Local Government Pension Scheme had to keep their own copies of the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations and other related regulations up to date. As there have, over the years, been numerous amendments to the Regulations the updating process was a time consuming and laborious exercise.
Bob Holloway, at the then Local Government Pensions Division of the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, initially conceived the idea of making an up to date version of the Regulations available on the internet. Bob Claxton, the Pensions Manager at the London Borough of Wandsworth, took the initial idea forward by creating a time-line Regulation facility on the Borough's intranet.
A conversation in the pub (isn't that always the way) between Bob Claxton and Terry Edwards, the LGPC Pensions Consultant, led to thoughts of making the facility generally available, free of charge, on the Local Government Pension Committee's website. The LGPC commissioned Bob to work on the project and Terry undertook to check the updated version of each set of Regulations on the site for accuracy and check all (10,000 +) hyperlinks.
Following completion of this work the site was launched in May 2001. It included:
- The Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 1997 (as amended)
- The Local Government Pension Scheme (Transitional Provisions) Regulations 1997 (as amended)
- Pension Increase (Review) Orders from 1997 onwards
- Section 148 Orders from 1997 onwards
At the time the site was launched it was agreed that the site should, over time, be developed to include:
- the Scottish versions of the above Regulations
- technical notes on the Regulations
- DETR / DTLR appeal determinations (anonymised) and relevant Pension Ombudsman appeal determinations
The Latest Changes page will notify users of developments as they are introduced to the site.